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[A Ponder Today For Our Tomorrows']
........R.F.G.O's M.O.C. Associations Devisement
Do you catch up to the Future, or Does the Future Catch up with you?
Grab on to M.O.C....................
R.F.G.O's M.O.C. Associations Devisement
One of ourmacrocosmic earth challenges to conquer and contribute, as being
part of R.F.G.O.’s Whole Mastering Our Earth Devisement.
Imagine, New Earth International Mass Transit & Cargo Commuting, Underwater.
If you like being underwater, and like not getting wet, like here in one of our Aquarium Tunnels. What would you say to an Underwater Sea Passenger Subway & Sea Freight Transporter, or an underwater roller coaster like a submarine on tracks? Now, depending on a couple of facts, maybe if you could help us out? To retrieve them? If we can have a view like this on a 300 mph bullet train, and it shall be totally environmentally friendly, being ran on ocean currents generators plants, floating wind turbines, floating solar plant barges etc., & for the tunnels to be interlinked one to each continent submersed at the bottom of the ocean with a few stops/portals going up into a floating Station Dock,(like a Sea Oil Barge) upon where a heliport, cruise ships you can transfer to.
These tunnels will also be utilized by our international overseas (picture now underwater) shipping containers system, It would have a emergency scuba gear/ emergency air balls suits, that inflate & float up, then you unzip out of them, and zip into rafts, plus, vests/gear etc. at the emergency exits. Sealed off sections water/air tight automatic closing mechanical doors in case of leakage or repairs, under full pressurized tunnels & ventilation oxygen systems to help with the resistance(?) for underwater sea pressure. Tunnels shall be fabricated and connected to steel concrete column bases secured into and under the ocean bed like our bridge posts supporting columns, upon automatic closing doors/gates ( in case of earthquakes/sinking ships etc.) Now upon the tunnels to be Pre-fabricated sections (Prototype) out of steel & concrete with a semi circle transparent acrylic Aquarium sections, (or full waterproof concrete & steel design with viewing windows on certain sections.) sized similar to a 4 to 6 track subway tunnel.
Would anybody like a new job, to monitor & block, to be on sinking ships duties, It would entail of being in charge of a couple bumper submarines to run into a ship and steer clear from our tunnels like bumper cars and tug/tow boats?
The other questions, Do we have enough resources to develop this or would we deplete every and quarry{?}, Unfortunately, the tunnels could not be made out of glass upon were have an unlimited source of sand which glass is made out of. However the jobs it would create and for how long it will create them for, & until the completion of the last tunnel with the jobs to create after creation?
Plus how many miles is it to each continent? How long would the whole ride take to travel from one continent to the other?
If feasible, start to decide now, were new entrances and exits shall be on each continent the choice shall be beneficial to the each whole continent, and make the whole project more efficient and simpler.
It’s going to be a little while till we Develop Mars, Might as well Master Our Earth, or would Mars Developing be easier?
For any further inquiries, discussions, or feedback or if you could send a media clip of a view from a 300mph train? Also feel free to contact us: bmoc@rfgo.org or on our contact page inquiry form.
R.F.G.O. M.O.E. Association asks you to excuse the peculiar devisement, it is only to better our earth Environmentally and to create more jobs, & enhance our Global Economy, along with all the other new experiences, & benefits, to us, people etc. (Do you want to join the Sea train underwater club?) , This devisement was born because some people don’t fly…………………………
(© 2010 All World Intellectual Property Rights Reserved, International & U.S.A. Patents Registered & Pending ® TM 021275, CL. 4,5,8,14,A.)
Hover & click here, to view metaphorical, collating, Digitized Prototype Tunnel
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